Friday, June 27, 2008

Emmy Finalists

In an attempt to out-scoop the scoopers, the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences released their list of the top ten Emmy finalists for drama and comedy on their website today. (It's dated July 26, 2008. Actually, it's dated WAY in the future, 20008, to be exact.) This is the list, presumably, from which the five nominees will be chosen.

I'm super in love with this list. There are a few shows I haven't seen but that I've heard are amazing. And, hey, that's what DVDs are for, right?

My one question, though, is "How the frak does Two and a Half Men keep getting nominated?" For serious. I've watched it a couple of times and have, at most, chuckled half-heartedly here and there. Charlie Sheen must be giving up the goods or something. I really just don't get it.

It's how I felt about Everybody Loves Raymond. I've seen Ray Romano's stand-up. Funny. Everybody Loves Raymond? Not funny. But every single year, it was nominated. And didn't Patricia Heaton win every year? Gah!

You know what, Charlie? I apologize. It's not you. Obviously, it's Les Moonves who's peddling his wares in exchange for some recognition for CBS. What, Les? Having CSI be the most watched drama on TV's not enough?

1 comment:

joy said...

Goodness. If I had a dime for every sitcom I didn't like was nommed, I'd be wealthier than Les.

But, then, I'm alone on the never watched Seinfeld/Arrested Development boat to begin with.