Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Those Magic Changes*

Golly! It's been over a month since my last post. I know I've fallen down on the job. I'll make no excuses.

In an effort to rectify this situation, I'm going to start posting analyses of "All My Children" episodes. I write daily recaps over at Lobster and Branch, my home for the past three years. I found myself commenting more than recapping, which made the recaps far longer than they needed to be. So, taking a friendly suggestion from the board admin, I'm moving my commentary here.

I'd thought about doing this before, but decided against it in favor of broader entertainment discussion. But, well, you see how well that's gone. Besides, commenting on the shows I watch fits perfectly well within this blog's mission statement.

That said, I'm still figuring out how to go about doing this, so bear with me. I'm going to shoot for daily commentary, as I had been doing over at L&B. But I may very well end up doing them weekly.

So stay tuned.

*Points to whomever can figure out where this gem comes from.


joy said...

Friendly unsolicited suggestion, because I know you were wondering about who is reading recaps/finding them helpful, etc.

By doing your recaps here, you could actually keep track of your traffic, via a Bravenet counter, or a Sitemeter counter at the bottom of your site. Both are free, but that way you can figure out who's coming to visit. (You won't get the Google Reader traffic - like me - but you'll get a good enough gauge...)

The difference being Bravenet will read your page visits and give you a pie chart breakdown of visitors, but Sitemeter lets you figure out from where they're coming...

Eh, just a thought.

Peter Pope said...

Thanks, dude. I'll definitely look into that.